英文朗读者 | 你的戒指上有钻石吗

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27



朗读者:Richard 赵金海 

The Two Rings

A rich old man died leaving two sons. For some time the two continued living together in the traditional Indian way, in a single joint household, a joint family. Then they quarrelled and decided to separate, dividing all the property between them. Everything was divided fifty-fifty, and thus they settled their affairs. But after the settlement had been made, a small packet was discovered which had been carefully hidden by their father. They opened the packet and found two rings inside, one set with a valuable diamond, and the other an ordinary silver ring worth only a few rupees.

从 前有一位富人离开人世,留下他的两个儿子相互依靠。在之后的一段时间里,一如印度传统那样,两兄弟生活在一起,共同居住在同一个院子里面。可是不久以后, 他们发生了争执,决定分家。他们将所有的家产都一分为二,各自找到了新的住处。但是随着他们搬离原来的房子,他们找到了一个被父亲小心翼翼藏起来的小盒 子。打开盒子,他们发现里面放着两枚戒指,其中一枚镶着价格高昂的钻石,而另外一枚则是价值仅几卢比(印度货币)的银质指环。

Seeing the diamond, the elder brother developed greed in his mind, and he started explaining to the younger one, "To me it appears that this ring is not the earning of our father, but rather an heirloom from his forefathers. That is why he kept it separate from his other possessions. And since it has been kept for generations in our family, it should remain for future generations. Therefore I, being elder, shall keep it. You had better take the silver ring."

在 看到钻戒的一瞬间,贪婪的想法涌上哥哥的心头,他开始说服弟弟:“我觉得这枚钻石戒指并不是我们父亲挣钱买来的,而是他从祖先那里继承的传家宝。这就是他 把戒指和其他财产分开存放的原因。而这戒指既然是我们祖先留下来的,就应该传给下一代。我是长子,所以钻戒应该归我所有,而你还是拿着那枚银指环吧。”

The younger brother smiled and said, "All right, be happy with the diamond ring, I'll be happy with the silver one." Both of them placed their rings on their fingers and went their ways.


The younger brother thought to himself. "It is easily understandable that my father kept the diamond ring; it is so valuable. But why did he keep this ordinary silver ring?" He examined the ring closely and found some words engraved on it: "This will also change." "Oh, this is the mantra of my father: 'This will also change!'


Both brothers faced all the ups and downs of life. When spring came, the elder brother became highly elated, losing the balance of his mind. When autumn or winter came, he fell into deep depression, again losing his mental balance. He became tense, developing hypertension. Unable to sleep at night, he started using sleeping pills, tranquilizers, stronger drugs. Finally, he reached the stage where he required electric shock treatments. This was the brother with the diamond ring.

两 个兄弟在人生中都经历了大起大落。当处于人生巅峰时,哥哥开心到得意忘形。当人生走向低谷时,他又会变得消极抑郁。由于情绪总是不稳定,他变得神经紧张, 还得了高血压。他总是夜不能寐,因此开始服用安眠药、镇定剂以及更强效的助眠药物。到了最后,他只能接受电击治疗。这就是拥有钻戒之人的结局。

As for the younger brother with the silver ring, when spring came, he enjoyed it; he didn't try to run away from it. He enjoyed it, but looked at his ring and remembered, "This will also change." And when it changed, he could smile and say, "Well, I knew it was going to change. It has changed, so what!" When autumn or winter came, again he looked at his ring and remembered, "This will also change." He didn't start crying, knowing that this would also change. And yes, it also changed, it passed away. Of all the ups and downs, all the vicissitudes of life, he knew that nothing is eternal, that everything comes just to pass away. He did not lose the balance of his mind and he lived a peaceful, happy life.

而 那个拥有银指环的弟弟,当他站在人生的巅峰时,他会好好享受,并不退缩。在享受的过程中,他总会低头看看自己的戒指并且提醒自己“凡事都会改变”。当事情 开始向差的方面发展时,他就会笑一笑然后说,“看吧,我知道会变差的,可就算变差了又怎么样呢?”当他遇到挫折的时候,他没有自暴自弃,因为他明白事情会 慢慢向好的方向发展。正如他所想的那样,不好的事情总会慢慢转好,而低谷也不复存在。无论是巅峰还是低谷,还是人生的种种变化,他始终知道万事万物都会改 变,所有的一切都会过去。在他的一生中,他的内心总是十分平静,也一直过着稳定快乐的生活。

This was the brother with the silver ring.



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